Voltage drop calculation in Excel.

Below we show an Excel file to calculate the voltage drop in electrical conductors. You can download the file Voltage drop calculation in Excel. We also add calculations of transformers, motors and the conductor cross section area due to voltage drop.

Cálculos eléctricos excel

That is the Excel file and you can download it at this link:

Cálculos eléctricos excel (15007 downloads )

We recommend an Application to calculate the voltage drop, conductor section, motor, transformers, conduit and conductors.

Cálculos eléctricos según la NOM 001 SEDE 2012.

Cálculos eléctricos Norma 2012

Voltage drop calculation in Excel

You can calculate the voltage drop in two different ways. One is if we know the amperage and the other if we know the load and power factor (FP).

We can also calculate the size of the conductor based on the voltage drop allowed.

Important data, Excel voltage drop.

Some important data such as the resistivity of copper and aluminum as well as the cross section of the most common conductors are added in the Excel file. We can find them in the important data section (Datos importantes).

Resistividad del cobre y aluminio

Voltage drop, if we know the amperage of the load.

We have a section in the Excel file where the voltage drop is calculated based on the amperage of the load.

In the Excel, we only write the data such as the distance to the load, the voltage, the cross-sectional area of the conductor and if it is a three-phase or single-phase system.


Caída de tensión Excel

Voltage drop, if we know the load and the power factor.

It is a similar format to the previous one. Instead of the amperage we must write the load in Kilo watts and the power factor. In some cases it is the most common.

In this case the input parameters to calculate the voltage drop are: the distance to the load in meters, the load in Kilo Watts, the power factor, the voltage, the resistivity of the material and the cross section of the conductor.


Excel, caída de tension

Conductor cross section area due to voltage drop calcuation in excel.

We can also calculate the cross section area of the conductor in Excel. Either using the amperage or the power, as with the voltage drop.

The input parameters are the same as in the previous case of the Voltage drop.

The result will be in square millimeters.

Which indicates the minimum cross section that the conductor must have. That cross section should be compared with the cross section of the conductors. So we can choose the correct electrical conductor.

Seleccion de conductor

En la imagen anterior, vemos que al realizar el cálculo, no arroja 31.08 mm2 . Por lo tanto necesitamos tener un conductor con una sección transversal superior a e

In the image above, we see that the result is 31.08 mm2. Therefore we need to have a conductor with a cross section greater than that value.

If we look at the table, we find that the gauge of the conductor is 2 AWG which has a section of 33.96 mm2.

Therefore, the result is 2 AWG.

The application calculates motors and transformers as well.

Transformador en excel

Here is a screenshot of the application. It is totally free and has several very useful functions when performing electrical calculations.

Cálculos eléctricos según la NOM 001 SEDE 2012.

Cálculos eléctricos Norma 2012